
Perfecting Gift
Taking care of others in need is something that we pride ourselves. This fellowship accepts the Holy Scriptures as the revealed will of God, the all-sufficient rule for faith and practice, and for the purposeof maintaining general unity. Click here for more information about partnering with Perfecting Gifts International.

"Uncommon Men" Men's Ministry
To empower ordinary men into uncommon men through the teachings of the Holy Bible; to train men how to be effective spiritual leaders in their home, church, local communities, and to discover and put in use their spiritual gifts.

“She Shall Be Praised” Women’s Ministry
Empowers women to reach their God given potential through prayer, encouragement, faith and fellowship.

"The Core of Me" Marriage Ministry
The purpose of the Marriage Ministry is to build and strengthen the foundation of the marriage relationship through fellowship and teaching from the Word of God. We know that marriage is a covenant between us and God. We want to keep God at the center of our marriage and we want to understand God’s viewpoint on marriage. The Marriage Ministry provides an opportunity for married couples to meed and build relationships with one another through planned social activities, marriage education workshops, classes and retreats. We are able to meet and connect with other like-minded couples that are seeking to build stronger marriages.

"Salt" Single's Ministry
Mission: To train, equip and empower singles biblically and practically on how to live a life of SUBSTANCE while cultivating their relationship with Christ and walking in victory in every area of their life. To change mindsets that singleness is not inferior to marriage. God plan includes hope and a future; be Single “On PURPOSE.”

Youth and Young Adult
To teach and build young disciples for Christ in their early stages of growth and development. To empower children with the Word of God on their level; preparing them to share the gospel wherever they go.
Mark 10:14 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Prophetic Arts
In His Image Dance Ministry – Adult Dance
On Fiya – Teen Dance and Mime
The Sparks – Youth Dance
Worship Arts –Praise Team and Choir

The Gate Keepers - Intercessory team

Sound and Media Ministry
The Sound and Media Ministry believes in ministering to the technical, physical, and spiritual needs of those who have entrusted God’s Word to us (those ministering to the congregation) so that we can impart that message to the hearts and ears of the Body of Christ. When someone speaks, prays, or sings the Word of God, it flows through the system. Everything flows through us and flows out from us. Media Ministry an important and vital aspect of the worship experience. The Media Ministry is a support service for the Pastor, Music Ministry and the Church Members to spread the good news through today (and tomorrow’s) media technologies.